If you have new Agent Representation details, only your new Agent or us here at Audition Magic are able to update these details for you. Please request your new Agent add you to their Agency through the Add A New Artist function within their Audition Magic Agency Account or alternatively, send us an email to [email protected] with your profile name and new Agent's details and we'll update accordingly for you.

If you'd like to remove an Agent's details from your Audition Magic Profile, only your current Agent or us here at Audition Magic are able to action this for you. Please request your current Agent remove you from their Audition Magic Agency Account or alternatively, send us an email to [email protected] with your profile name and Agent removal request and we'll action accordingly for you.

You can add as many Agent details to your Audition Magic Profile that apply to you, at no extra cost. For example, some members have an Acting Agent, Voice Over Agent and a Modelling Agent listed on their Audition Magic Profile.